Those Years In Between
Poems from the Middle East
Doha, Qatar
He arrived
In this delirious city
Four years ago,
Old buildings being torn down,
Histories collapsing,
Everyone is lost
Asking what to keep,
How can you move
And light?
Without baggage
Of a choice which can either be
A consequence
Or redemption?
How can you be that tribe
Who are thought to walk backward
Into the future
Constantly mediating
The ever-transforming present?
But change is happening not only here,
Even in the other city
He left behind,
That worn out city,
Again and again
But no one could truly claim,
All he could do now
Is to remember
How he closed his fist
Fighting for it
To be a place
For living and dying,
For finding happiness
In the company
Of everything familiar
He now finds himself
Neither here nor there,
In between spaces,
In two countries--
Working here
While dreaming in the other
During this leave-taking,
Let us stay in silence
Until our fear lose meaning,
Until we slowly slide back
Into the flow of time
I am not worrying,
Because we’ve been kind to each other,
There will be no heavy promises
We need to keep
You see,
All things can pass
With our sympathy
If we understand ending
As means to be truly alive and to begin
I know I will no longer be next to you
To chase shadows of poets,
Lift their words
And carry meanings together
But you know what I would say
If I were on your side,
“You do not analyze them,
You take them as breath,
Light them as fire
Until they burn and turn us into ashes,
This is the only way we can be reborn again”
There is sadness
In all things today:
The little girl in the lobby
With her dad
Waiting for a school bus---
They appear diffracted
Behind the glass pane
Like their waiting to return
To their stolen home, Palestine
The construction workers
From India,
Waiting for the lift
To take them up
To finish buildings,
They all silently hum
A mantra that can reach Kerala
I can hear their love ones
Replying back with,
“Take care papa.”
The cab driver
Waiting for his flight stewardess passenger,
As he sees her rolling out her bag,
He must be guessing
The country where she is off to,
"There must be that kind of rain there
That pours
And disappears quickly
That I miss so much of Ethiopia."
There is sadness
In all things today:
In the sky struggling
For its last breath,
In the incoming rain,
In the skyscrapers made into
Haunting shadows
In the traffic light
Blinking yellow
Everyone is asking for strength
So they could stay longer
In the hardness of the desert
I come home to a door
That I haven’t opened yet
It already tells me
There’s nobody waiting
I look at this milkfish
Am defrosting in the sink
Whose mouth is wide open,
It seems it had last uttered,
“An unquestioned life
Is not worth living”
You feed me here,
Your poems make me alive,
They warm me in cold winter nights,
Allowing me to sleep bare
Answering your poems
Crystalize everything
I could form the shape of hurt,
To know fully what I suffer
“Is it too much to swing
This world to forgiveness?”
I am now forcing myself to love
The paleness of these dunes
That take a lifetime to do so
There is violence in silence
It arrives in the smallest hour
And all I could do is enter a memory
And not come back
There, we own each other
Nobody is staying behind
Watching the other disappear,
No one needs to bear
The poets asked,
“After great pain,
What would the body learn
That it does not already know of relief?
“Why do we repudiate our loss ?
Is it because they are beloved?”
“Is what is no longer here
Even we deny them?”
I look at the expanse of skies
Only to realize blue
Is beautiful
As the color of forgiveness
I want to let go of love’s weight,
Let go of wants,
I want no history of loss,
Why do we mark our lives
By how we fell and stood up?;
By how we charge into the open
With no assurance?
We carry the weight
Of past on our shoulders
And move on
Into what we make ourselves
Believe as destiny
How can we be sure?
He admires the resilience of his heart,
That despite of all the hurt
It had to endure,
It found strength
To lead itself out of the dark,
To lick its own wounds,
And feed again its constant hunger
He admires how it charges
Into uncertainties
How it accepts the truth
That nothing will ever remain,
Time claims everything,
And yet despite of this,
It still ardently believes in what promises can bring
Tonight inside this tent
With a flickering oil lamp
In the middle of the desert;
All of nothingness,
He is celebrating love's rebirth;
He is celebrating your arrival
He is not trembling faced with emptiness,
He is not scared because his heart is full.