
Those Years In Between

Poems from the Middle East

Abu Dhabi, UAE



They are attempting 

Because they want to live

They now gravitate

Towards silence

Where they could contract 

The universe in the palm of their  hands

They already know 

They are only significant to each other

They are now saved

They know 

They could never truly own hearts

It think on its own

It can find itself in the dark

They are bystanders 

Before it’s immensity, 

Powerless and obedient,

Their meanings tied to it.


You can own the future,

Waste it if you wish,

Live precariously if you like,

It is only for the brave

But be kind to the fallen,

They questioned living

That's why we are here

Look at their wrinkling bodies

With healed wounds 

From walking barefoot

Look at them,

They are  no longer chasing shadows

Heartaches and departures 

Are heartaches and departures 

They are to bear with fortitude


I was not prepared 

To visit your father’s grave

I had to hold your brother’s shoulder---

He who at 14 had to deal 

With irretrievable loss

I could see you clearly now

That man who walks ahead of us 

When we have accustomed ourselves 

In the dark 

We are no longer blinded by it

It’s difficult to trust light again

But I am now here with you

We could take what life would bring us 

We do not need much

Only each other’s company


Your promise is a refuge—

To be there next to me, 

To talk to me,

Remember when you asked me 

To put my head on your shoulder

After I came out of my skin?

Was that a recognition of gentleness?

I want no pity 

But a blinding light 

Let's leave everything behind

Let's go to where 

We could create a new language 

Where we could build a place

We've always known 

As austere,



And wise



I come here not to conquer you  

But to become an image in your memory

Because it is possible not to remember 

But not to forget

I come here to divulge 

The urgency outside of our lives

One day it will come destroy us, 

With a violence every man recognize

Let us  have the necessity to survive

To be not defenseless 

By giving in to our yearning

Even normally one doesn’t admit to it

There is no way we can continuously dismiss longing

Let us allow hurt

Disregard telling signs to take cautions 

Because it is the only way 

We could know truly 

The capacity of our heart

When we extent what it could bear 

To the point of tears



For this man

The road home has been long and winding 

It was not just the storm 

He had to live 

But the many years after

Time is sometimes a perpetually flat line 

You think would never end 

Until it gets punctuated

By an unexpected moment 

Only then you recognize 

Through that 

That disrupts

How fleeting 

It actually is

He is wiser now 

In the way he understand time


Time--- past, present, and future--- 

Is the only thing that can be at the same point all at once